Friday, January 28, 2011

Light Up the Sky. So I can Find You.

I really want to write a post about dating and my thoughts/experiences with the entire subject.  I want to because it has been an interesting topic surrounding me and the people I am closest to on campus.  However, when I started to write about it I did not feel spirit led at the time and decided to stop.  I do feel like writing something tonight, but I guess that was not the topic I was suppose to write about yet.  Something I will get to in the future I suppose.  So what should be the topic today?  Well, I once made a list, so I'll check that now.  Hm... I kind of want a shorter topic than anything on my list . . . Okay God now what.

Well, all I can think of right now is a song that I have been singing and listening to a lot lately.  I first heard it at God's House almost two weeks ago. It's called "Light up the Sky" by The Afters.  I posted the lyrics below:

When I’m feeling all alone and so far to go
The signs are nowhere on this road guiding me home
When the night is closing in
It’s falling on my skin
Oh God will You come close

Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me
I, I, I can’t deny
Oh I can’t deny that You are right here with me
You’ve opened my eyes so I can see You all around me
Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me

When stars are hiding in the clouds
I don’t feel them shining
When I can’t see beyond my doubt
The silver lining
When I’ve almost reached the end
Like a flood You’re rushing in
Love is rushing in

Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me
I, I, I can’t deny
Oh I can’t deny that You are right here with me
You’ve opened my eyes so I can see You all around me
Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me

So I run straight to Your arms
You’re the bright and morning Sun
To show Your love, there’s nothing You won’t do

Light, light, light up the sky
You light up the sky to show me You are with me
I, I, I can’t deny
Oh I can’t deny that You are right here with me
You’ve opened my eyes so I can see You all around me
Light, light, light up the sky
Light up the sky to show me You are with me
When I first hear this song I really liked it.  I mean really, who hasn't felt like they were completely lost?  This semester has especially been difficult on me.  I am approaching an intersection with an infinite number of junctions in my life.  My choices will dramatically shape the rest of my life.  I could certainly use a light to show me the way.  Amidst all my future decisions there is my current life that I have to deal with.  There is stress from every angle and relationships to deal with.  This is potentially the last time that I will be around so many people so often.  Then of course there is homework and one of my worst class schedules ever.  I miss my 3 night classes a week semester.  Sometimes we really just want to call out to God and say "God, please just light up the sky, let me see you for just a moment.  I know that I cannot deny your presence and you love, but I could really use a sign.  I could really use a God hug right now."  It is a really cool feeling when God allows us to see him a little bit brighter for just a moment.  No other feeling like it.  Actually, (though this is sort of off topic and unrelated) I kind of believe in a God "high," exactly like how drugs work.  At least in my life I have experienced states of near euphoria (probably actually euphoria) from being in close proximity with God.  I really like the idea of not being able to see past our doubt.  I don't think that we are actually doubting God or his power in these cases, we just get so hung up on ourselves and our own problems that we block our own vision.  We never doubt that God is there and that he's with us perhaps, but we can't see him because we don't really want to and would rather be self-pitying.  Of course, it is somewhere in there that we realize how dumb we are being and God can consume us like a flood.  Cue flooding eyes.  I also really like the idea of running to God.  When I am feeling really really stressed sometimes I actually want to just run away.  Run away and find God and just let Him catch me -- kind of like in the movies when a girl runs to a guy.  Maybe I am extra sensitive to the idea of runnign because I used to be a runner, but I think it's more the idea of running away from my problems and finding God.  I have rarely actually physically ran.  However, I have done a mental equivalent frequently enough.  I have actually imagined myself running through a jungle seeking Jesus.  It's like He's on the other side calling out my name.  With every step I get closer and closer.  I throw branches and vines out of my way getting closer.  Then finally I break through the trees and see Him standing there smiling with wide open arms.  This is one of my favorite things to day dream about when I am stressed.  That is when I see that God is right there with me, and I am with Him.  It's quite the rush.

My challenge now is to just stop and think.  Where is God for you?  Is it walking on a beach holding His hand like in the footprints posters?  Is it in the passengers seat on a long drive through the country?  Is it on top of a mountain after a long hike?  Either way, stop and think about fighting through your struggles, problems, and worries to get to Jesus.  He is right there waiting on the other side.  You just have to make it to Him and then let Him take them all away.  Throw your arms around Him and whisper "I love you."  To which He will embrace you full force and reply,"I have always loved you, I made you perfectly, I will always love you, and I will never leave you."

Your friend, brother, and companion in Christ,
-Zach Haas

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What is the Hardest Thing to Give to God? -- Investments

This post is one that I have only recently thought about and considered writing.  It kind of came to me suddenly.  This semester has consisted of me having to give a number of things to God.  Many of you may even think you know what "investment" I may be thinking of for this post.  However, you are only partially right I am sure.  We all have our secret investments, our secret sins, our private life that no one but God knows about.  For some people these little investments might be alcohol, drugs, pornography, overeating, or even religion.  I am thus defining an "investment" as anything that we place a lot of time and effort into.  You can think of it economically if you want.  When you make an investment you are often putting a lot of money into something.  Overtime this money accumulates and increases.  The more time and money you put into the bigger and more important the investment is.  This works the same with our secret sins.

I plan to be very blunt, truthful, and open with this post (well to most extents I think).  I am not sure what I am getting into, but I do know that I have recently thought of another life philosophy -- what may be over my head is never over God's head.  My sudden reason for writing this blog is because I have recently given an entire investment over to God.  I know many people who would think I am referring to relationships.  To some extent these people would be right, but this has not been my only investment in my life.  I do not feel the need to share my investment that I gave to God and thus will not.

There is something peculiar about giving investments to God.  I think this is why they are the hardest thing to give to God.  People give things to God all the time.  Sometimes we give life decisions, sometimes we give money, time, or service, sometimes we give small habits or things that are beyond our control to God.  While these things may very well be difficult to give fully to God, I still don't think they are as difficult to hand over.  Investments are things that we hold very close to our very soul.  If we investing ourselves in worldly things, there is no room to fully invest in Jesus.  This is a huge problem, as nothing should consume us more than the spirit of God.  Yet, I think that many people in the world cling to these investments nearly as much as they cling to life itself.  Investments are something we have given significant portions of our lives to.  They are obsessions; they are addictions.  Getting the picture yet?  Investments are nearly impossible to give to God.  Why?  Because giving investments equate to literally giving ourselves to God.  Think about it this way.  What would it take to give away your entire life's savings that you have been saving up for thirty years.  You have worked hard to save up and have spent considerable amounts of time finding ways to increase your investment.  Your hard work has paid off and you have a substantial investment that only continues to grow.  Heres the thing with sinful investments -- they never ever decline.  I would go so far as to say that they cannot decline.  Perhaps for a time we can ignore our sinful investments and they will remain stagnant, but I don't think they will ever shrink unless we fully give them to God and tell Him our life is completely His.  Let me explain a few ways that I have personally failed to give investments to God.

First, I have tried to bargain with God.  I'll call this the negative interest or declining balance approach to giving investments.  This view makes it seem like you are trying to pay off a debt to God by slowly getting closer to nothing.  Here's the problem, even if we ever managed to get this investment down to zero, the account is still open.  We then refill it and even sometimes fill it more than before.  I told God something along the lines of "Okay God, I know you want this, and I know you want all of this, but I am not ready to give it to you fully.  So here's the deal, I will give you a little bit here and there until it is gone."  Anyone else think this is a totally daft idea?  Before you judge me, consider yourself if you have ever made such notions with God.  Have you ever tried to give a little bit to God thinking that something is better than nothing?  Here's the thing, if all sins are equal in God's eyes, then giving Him a little is not what he wants.  This would be like giving a starving child nothing but water.  The child will still die from lack of food.  At first it looks like we are helping the child, but in reality we are doing him no good.  The other problem I have found with giving God a little bit at a time is interest.  I found that the more I tried to give God little bits the faster my interest in my investment increased.  Clearly giving God a little bit at a time hoping to reach the end is not going to work.  It also does not work to just say okay, I have what I have and when that is gone then no more.  Have you ever seen a smoker say this is my last pack of cigarettes ever, and then buy more anyway?  It's the same idea.

Second, I have tried ignoring the investment.  It's kind of like trying to bury something and then try to forget where you buried it.  You know that it's still there, and you know exactly where you buried it.  I'll call this the out of sight out of mind approach to giving investments.  This actually proved to be a pretty effective method -- at first.  It's easy to give something up for a little while.  All you have to do is remain in constant proximity to God and keep ignoring the overturned soil in the back yard.  This method would work fine perhaps if the investment actually wasn't gone.  In fact, you really just have a full account opened without interest gain.  It is true that your investment isn't getting any worse, but it isn't getting any better either.  Eventually like a dog looking for a bone I dug up my old investments.  I wasn't able to ignore it forever.  This also doesn't seem to work as a method for investment elimination.

The third and final method I have tried is just throwing the investment away.  This is the concept of just quitting right away and getting rid of everything at once.  I'll call this the cold turkey approach to giving investments.  We have all heard storied of how people tried quitting an addiction cold turkey, but failed after a disappointingly short amount of time.  This works the same for sinful investments.  The problem with this approach is similar to the declining balance approach.  I emptied the account, but the account was still open.  Throwing everything away at once brings immediate satisfaction.  We feel like a success and we feel like we have won a victory for God over Satan.  However, Satan doesn't quit.  He knows the account is still open, and he knows that we know how to refill the emptied investment.  A smoker who flushes all their cigarettes down the toilet still knows how to go to the store and buy more.  This approach has only best motives at heart, but sometimes it is just very hard to quit cold turkey.

I am now left with the method that actually works to give God investments.  I'll call it the noway approach to giving investments.  Wait . . . the "noway" approach?  Does that mean there is no way to give God investments?  Well, I know that cannot be the truth, but I really have not found a way to completely give God the investments we have created.  The biggest problem is I cannot find a method to close the account.  Any way I look at it I cannot force myself to keep the balance at zero, hide the account permanently, or forget how to refill it.  So what, is everything hopeless?  No.  Are we doomed to suffer with out addictions forever?  Well, to some extent I believe the answer is yes.  After we allow an addiction into our lives there is some kind permanent hole drilled into us.  We can try to repair the hole or cover it up, but it is forever going to be weaker.  The only thing that can permanently change these self inflicted holes is by God.  However, God does not always just fix our holes.  God doesn't eliminate our sinful nature and our sinful desires as long as we live on this earth.  All we can do is humble ourselves before God, give Him the investment we have been holding onto, and then trust Him to give us strength to carry on.  Obviously God understands our slip ups and backsliding.  He knows that He didn't make us perfect.  However, our imperfection is not an excuse to give up on moving forward.

At this point you might be asking yourself the question "how can I say I gave God my 'investment' if I don't have a successful method of doing that"?  Well, the answer is that I am going to try.  I think my approach now is a combination of method two, three, and four.  Is this approach really any different than the ones I have used in the past? Not really.  Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.  However, I don't think that this definition works with God.  God will not be defined by any human definitions.  People are constantly praying to God for the same things expecting different results, and guess what, God does give different results.  Now, obviously there are some things that I will try to do differently with this attempt to give up my investment, but I cannot think of anything substantial.  For some people accountability groups, support groups, and groups of people dealing with similar investments might provide help.  I cannot close my account after making an investment, but God can.  As a matter of fact, God is the only one who can close the account, and even then I don't know that he would ever make you forget the account existed.

Interestingly enough, the idea of God changing our perspective on the situation (investment) might be a great approach.  I remember a few semesters ago sitting in a special chapel (summit) given Dave Ward. (it was 9/10/08 if you are interested in looking it up.)  Yes, I did just spend 30 minutes finding the part of the sermon to make sure.  I also think I probably should have listened to the whole message before writing this.  One of the messages he gave he talked about a major pornography addiction that he had.  At one point he mentioned that he was traveling to an adult bookstore praying to God about how he didn't want to do it.  He got to the bookstore and heard a worship song there on the secular radio.  He said the books seemed to fade away and become unappealing.  On his drive back home God gave him such a distaste for pornography that he ended up throwing up so bad he had to pull over and continue to empty his system.  Dave Ward explained that God wants everyone to be sanctified.  For Dave, God gave him a complete change of attitude toward his addiction and investment.  At that point Dave was cured.  I believe that God has the power to change our perspectives and attitudes.  This is the way to eliminate and give our investments to God.  We need to be repulsed of our sinful acts and give them entirely to God.

I feel that I still have not adequately explained what an investment is or the power that they hold.  The best I can explain an investment is by comparing it to a tumor.  Not just any tumor, but a tumor that is guaranteed to cause more immediate pain removing it than keeping it.  We know that in the long run removal is going to be better for us, but we are too afraid of the initial pain of letting it go.  Instead we let the tumor grow, perhaps even out of control.  Eventually we are completely driven by fear and we are actually feeding the tumor.  Perhaps the tumor even begins to infect other parts of our bodies.  God wants to take away this tumor from us, but he wants us to give it to Him.  In some cases God may make the initiative and take the tumors away from us, but often He waits for us to call on Him.  However, unlike a tumor, an investment actually gives us some kind of pleasure or satisfaction.  We know that we can never obtain true satisfaction from God as long as we have this investment, but giving it away just seems too painful.  We are afraid of letting go of our commitment.  Perhaps we have spent so much time on this investment it doesn't seem worth it to give it all away.  We instead tell God that He has to work around it.  We expect that we can live life, and live it to the full doing our thing and God's.  This is obviously not true, but we as humans often miss the obvious or completely reject the obvious.  I know that I cannot be the only person that has ever struggled with a long term investment.  God calls everyone to give their investments, addictions, and habits to Him.  I hate the idea of wasting time.  I am a big video game lover.  To me, giving up an investment is like erasing a game that I have had 80 hours invested into. (My brother has done this to me at least once)  You feel like you have completely lost 80 hours of your life.  If I want to get that far again I have to dedicate another 80 hours doing something I have already done.  perhaps 80 hours is a bit exaggerated for a video game . . . but I don't believe it is an exaggeration for a sinful investment.  This is exactly why it hurts so much and why it is so hard to give up investments.

I know this post is really long.  What else is new.  Besides, I recently wrote some advice to a thirteen year old that was longer.  I just feel that this issue is more important and bigger than most people realize.  Perhaps many people don't even realize they are making an investment against God.  These things are worldly, life consuming, dedications to The Enemy.  We must invest in the only true investment worth making -- the investment in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

My challenge this time is an obvious one.  Check your life.  What investments against God have you been making?  What addictions are you feeding and consuming your life with?  What do you spend hours on that doesn't glorify God?  Give them to God, and give them in the full.  Rid yourself of these secret sins and give them God.  God can purify us; God can purge us.  Only then can we truly invest fully in the Kingdom of God.  I think I will pray for repulsion against my investments, how about you?

Your friend, brother, and companion in Christ,
-Zach Haas

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh how He loves us

Over break I decided that I would try to read some C.S. Lewis.  This decision was likely based on the fact that I go to IWU and have read very little of his works.  Another factor is that many of my friends have been reading Lewis over the past few years including my roommate.  I borrowed both The Great Divorce and The Screwtape Letters from my housemate and brought them home for Christmas.  I also plan on listening to Mere Christianity on my way back to school via audio book.

The first book I read was The Great Divorce.  I know many of my friends would be shocked to hear this, but I really was not a fan of the book.  I understand that it was supposed to be a work of fiction for the most part and strictly to be viewed as a theory without ground.  Even with this disclaimer I disliked the books overall intention.  I find the book to be mostly misleading especially to Christians who are young in their faith.  There were parts towards the end of the book that I enjoyed, and as a story it was good.  However, coming from the prestigiousness that Lewis holds, seeing it as just a story is a bit hard.  I was not a fan of the theology portrayed and saw it as misleading unrealistic fantasy at best.  After finishing this book I was worried that I was going to dislike Lewis the more I read.  The only experience I have had previously was reading the Chronicles of Narnia (which I enjoyed to my remembrance) when I was very young.

However, I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading Screwtape Letters.  After only reading the first few chapters (or letters) I was already a much bigger fan.  It wasn't far into the book that I found the first passage that inspired this blog post.
"He wants them to learn to walk and therefore must take away His hand; and if only the will to walk is really there He is pleased even with their stumbles." -End of letter 8
As soon as I read this I couldn't help but choke up and whisper a thank you.  I realized a lot about the love of God that I had never thought about before.  Of course we can never hope to be perfect, we can never hope to come close.  However, God does not require us to be perfect -- we only need to desire and to try to work towards it.  Like a toddler learning to walk, we let go of our parents hands destined to fall.  Sometimes we try to pick ourselves up and continue.  Sometimes we walk across a room only to smack our head against a wall or wall backwards onto the floor.  We desire to run!  But we can hardly muster a crawl.  God looks at this desire and crawl as if its the real thing!  How wonderful this is.  I also think that like a parent God never leaves our side (He is known as God the father after all).  He will hold our hand and allow us to walk arm in arm when we need.

The book takes on the perspective of an older demon teaching a younger demon.  After telling the younger demon that God only wants the desire and attempt from humans, the older demon further explains:
"Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which ever trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys." 
This is another cool thing to think about.  Even demons know that we are never closer to God than when we follow Him blindly.  The times when we feel abandoned are the times that God (and demons‽) is watching us closely.  Nothing delights Him more than when we choose to try and follow His will when all seems lost and hopeless.  Perhaps there is a lot of power behind "Sigh, I don't know why I bother but I'm 'following' God's will I guess."  Could the attitude be better? Yes.  But could the action be better?  Perhaps not.  The next time I feel that I am going through a dry spell, I will think of this principle.

I look forward to finishing this book.  The perspective is different than most Christian books I've read, but I think this actually helps to clarify things.  This book causes me to think Lewis is a genius.  I can't imagine what inspired him to attempt such a task as Screwtape Letters, but I believe thus far he was brilliant in his attempt.  I guess this shows that you shouldn't judge an author by one book. 

My challenge this time is to consider how following God during times of serious doubt are really the times of greatest significance and love.  Perhaps a way to think about it would be when we obey our parents when they don't know we are.  Or when we remain true to a loved one when theres no chance of them finding our.  These things are more about trust, but so is choosing to desire and try God when God seems no where to be found.  I hope you see the significance in the point I am trying to make.

Your friend, brother, and companion in Christ, 
-Zach Haas